Monday, October 19, 2009

We got this by the ASS!

Ahhh yes.

Dawn of the dead, now that's some piece of the 70's.
This movie is completely different than his prequel “Night of the living dead”, it’s not meant to be taken out seriously, and it’s not meant to scare you, however… wait until the end for the most gruesome scenes you’ll see in a 70’s movie.

This 2 hours and 20 minutes tale continues the story from NOTD, the world is at panic, the zombies roaming everywhere, and from now on it’s every man for himself, 4 survivors manages to take sanctuary in a zombie infested mall, trying to survive the many dangers that’s in a zombie holocaust.

I got to say that a mall as a sanctuary is a cool idea, most of the second hour is the survivors hanging out in the mall enjoying all the goodies that are in the stores, blasting random zombies it’s sounds boring on the paper, but it’s much more fun when you watch it.

My main issue in this movie is our main characters, the zombies.
I think this movie shows how zombies should be – slow and dumb as dog shit.
yet in this movie they’re taken down way to easily, there’s almost no challenge to beat them, and all you want is to see them killing people.
However, like I said, wait until the end to get your pay off.

This is when you realize you're fucked up!

Nowadays zombies are faster, smarter and louder, I do think it’s a cool idea, yet it’s a pretty lame to give zombies the advantage of speed when this is the disadvantage that is characteristic to them, it’s like making vampires invulnerable to the sun, which was made couple of times… so fuck that, let’s just say it’s like making them shoot fucking laser beams out of their ass.

The highlight of this movie is towards the end, yet like NOTD the ending was kind of disappointing, but the credits makes you laugh your ass off.

Mmm-hmm That's some DAMN GOOD fried chicken!

Overall, to me this is the best zombie movie I’ve seen, because this is an example of a good zombie film, it’s dumb, gory, and funny, Thanks to romero's touch and the zombies, which are by nature clumsy and ridiculous monsters, however when they get to many and to close you’re fucked up. That’s why it’s so good. And that’s why this movie is so fucking good.

Some little stuff I’ve noticed, the music in the trucks scene was remixed in the intro of the “gorillaz - Demon days” album, also some of the audio and voices was remixed in another song - hip albatross.
Also the actor that was the professor in Romero’s film - “The crazies” (1973) makes an appearance in this movie too, as a professor… ? I thought it would be awesome if dawn of the dead would be a sequel to the crazies too.

So if you're bored as shit, and want to have fun, put this movie in your DVD, make some popcorn, light up your weed, and you’ll burn the best 2 hours of your life.

And if you read all the shit I wrote here's your bonus:

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